The nose and sinuses condition (septal perforation)
Septal perforation
There are several reasons why a patients's septum may be perforated.
These include:
- Trauma or accident
- Post septal surgery
- Nose picking
- Granulomatous disease- must be excluded before treating perforation.
- wegener's
- sarcoidosis
- TB
- syphilis
- Cocaine addiction
Signs and symptoms
- whistling - if there is a small anterior perforation.
- bleeding from the nose
- crusting of the nose at the site of the perforation.
- apply vaseline to the edge of the perforation
- treat epistaxis expectantly.
- septal button- this is a plastic prosthesis fitted into the hole in the septum. only half the patients find it tolerable and continue using it long term.
- surgical septum repair- the results of surgery are variable even in experienced hands.
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