External Ear Conditions (Keloid)
What is Keloid?
Keloids are overgrowth of fibrous or scar tissue resulting from trauma. They are raised and reddish and are the result of excessive activity of fibroblasts after injury. In general, the darker skinned races are genetically predisposed to the development of keloids.
Symptoms and Signs
Patients will present with painless raised nodules over an injury site, usually a pierced ear hole. The keloid can be itchy and bleed and may become pigmented.
The effective treatment is a topic of controversy. Many modalities have been employed and include excision, steriod injection, cryosurgery, laser surgery and radiation therapy. I have found it most effective to excise the keloid with a cold knife and inject the wound with steriods every few weeks for up to six months post-excision.
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